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OCR: 60 telephic this classificat Charged at 39p per minute rate and 49p per minute et a times. · Above and away the sweetest, guy on offer this week, Loves art and LT Understanding female or TV sought by occasional TV for daytime tunn and friendship. has good heart, sound, cheeky tace, as ah IOngston or Staines bras. Discretion assured invited. Margaret, ols call & bve tet no. lis to 0660 and expected. Ring Voicebox: 0680 207815 Voicebac 0600 207262 mbers in this classifi- · Absolutely better looking than Dor are charged at 39p per · Upmarket, mannered, slim bushess- man, 30s, sooks sin open minded, 27-34. Washington, thin black male Set toin, 28, son minute cheap rate and 49p per formule for fun relationship, personality and attractive, sem, Asian or mixed race tortas, 2 minute at all other times. ambition more important than looks/status. 27, honest, ready for relationship, Fong Vhica N.London, Ring Voicebox: 0600 208504 bo: 0660 207801 fraight, 25, sho ty. · Absolutely stimulating, convivial Nas, not necessarily with & · Really nice, very handsome, Sghtheart- ed, fun. 30 year old guy, would like to meet a e Versatile, attractive, dom, 37, quy. young man. mid 30s, seeks the company of 35, los friendship and adult kan. Fing pobox: 0660 207641 tady, or couple for friendship & f. Broadming- (slightly baj looking for a sub female, or couples, ed and easygoing. Lisan, pis caf & leave nos 21 plus, for adult fun and friendship, Aling Voice- female, 20-40, who eryoys conversation and excitement. Ring Voicebox: 0000 205338 for single, · Married male, nice looking, 39, solvent, again -Ring Voicebox: 0660 207917 box: 0660 206501 · Absolutely stunningly attractive gen- Aut fun, nationality, wtate, sueks attractive, intelligent, black lemale · Very affectionate guy, 33. 60, smoker, for sochal outings, fun and long term friendship. · Robbie Coltrane look alike, wef educat- Non-smaker preferred. Ring Voicebox: 0600 od, seeks intelligent, feminine, sub lady, for broad shouldered, harry chest. Looking for Neman, romantic and sonsdive, 30, is seeking Wtant Ring Voicebox: 0680 adult fun and friendship. Mikte/Herts area. Ring petite curvy lady: 25-35, for adult fen and friend- an attractive, genuine and senalive young lady 209808 ship, daytime preferred, Surrey/SE. Ring Voice- for blendship. Fong Voicebox: 0860 208542 Male/females 2f+, with avant (word s sense, sought by elegant TV, for fun and · Married male, 30, white, sim and St. Voicebox: 0600 207966 · Romantic married male, 32, sim and St. bac 0660 207 186 · Absolutely, handsome male, of &ar- adship. Ring Voicebox 0000 208505 weeks females or couples for adult fun and socks tomate for friendship, a furt relationship · Very cute, cuddly and lovable profession- jan/Creek origin typicaly, charming, romantic ale, attractive, 27, tall, blue oyes, sin- friendship, days or evenings, cannot accommo- and weekends away Ring Voicebox: 0600 Al' Asian male, 26, 5ft 4le, sim, ight brown com- and passionate, seaks an attractive lady, 20. 35, to wine/dine/fove and hopefuly more. Ring educated, Books date but will travel anywhere. Ring Voicebox 208284 ploudion, non drinker. Seks Astan/Arab/French 0860 208331 fomle, 18- 24, London area only. Ring Voice- Voicebox: 0600 2083 18 don affomale, 21+, for safe adult fre and hip, Can accommodate. Aing Voicebac · Married male, 37, sim, Juraiy genuinely · Romantic, caring mate, 38, dark hair, box: 0680 207173 · Active, affectionate, caring male, 27, Ring V 09842 very handsome and completely crazy, noods green eyes, sim physique, seeks neglectod lady, size/aga/nationality/marital status unim- · Very good looking man, 40, sonks attrac- with soh, seeks attractive/intelligent, humorous female for clubs, pubs, culture and romance. Asla portant, for fun and friendship, possibly more. Race/nationally not important. Ring Voicebox: whie, m mid 408, would like to meet couples similar tomale for adult Jun and friendship. Total Nve fernale in West London or Surrey for adult ladies for fun and friendship, daytime respect and discretion assured and anticipated. Daytime preferred. Ring Voicebox: 0600 fun and friendship, daytimes preferred. Cannot Ring Voicebox: 0660 209858. . accommodate. Ring Volcebar: 0660 207856 0660 205265 Voicebox 198, possibly naturists. Ring Voice- 209006 · Married malo, 40 year old, looking for 206512 Adventurous or home loving, that's the · Aspirin couples or single ladies, 21+, for adult fun and . Ruggedly handsome, solvent hawk, · Very handsome continental malo, gen- question ?, attractive male, 35, A sound, , reasonably attractive, booking 35, st, and straight, socks inteligent lades/cou- evous and romantic, seeks asian or black achably attractive white or Asian friendship in the London artat. Ring Voicebox: ples, any age/colour, for adult fun and friend- female, for adult tun and friendship. Ring Voice- unfettered, wants stabile home Sto, with atrac- nomad, solí cian and dra 35. for adult tun and Sandahlp. 0600 209884 Nve fonuNo, and adventure! Ring Voicebouc · Married man, 20, white, 50 10, straight, ship. Can accommodate or travel, Ring Volce- box: 0660 208084 0000 209026 lovel Ring Vor 0560 207784 box: 0000 209023 · Very interesting, inteligent man, oun · Adventurous, easygoing mala, 40, · Athletic m IN bolt, reasonably attractive, seeks attractive females, or couples 21-45, for · Sagittarian male, 32, wäry, inteligent house, attractive, non smoker, socks sám, loves rock and motorbikes, seeks strong walled quiet natured Jemains, 16- 25, for adult fury fun and friendship, without comvraiment, can and outgoing, seeks attractive adventuress for artracuve female for adult furi and friendship, tamale for a one to one relationship. Ring Voice- cells wil be answered. Ring not accommodate. Ring Voicebox: 0860 preferably married, must be alegant, Photo happiness, hoid South London. A 208640 .. 208212 fun times, Aing Volpebox: 0660 207869 · Semi-attractive, bi-male, 28, naturaly 4045 required, genuine ad. Lets have fun. Malbox Dox: 0660 207928 · Affable, black, Dutch male, 25, tak, · Attractive Ant, dark, wel biał, attrace · Married man, 30, seeks bored house- woman, for adur fun and wives for adult fun and friendship. South East Janned, wishes to meet couples, ladies or TVs. muscular, seeks attractive south London based gsoh, professional for friendship and a good time, exciting, discreof · Very muscular white male, bue ayos, vent, respectable London ama. Discretion assured, Ring Voice- derk hal, bright, imaginative, in need of a lady, female, any race or nationalty, for fun, friend- area. Ring Voicebox: 0880 matun mart for a ser box: 0660 207231 and clean. First time advertisement, Fing Voice- for fun and friendship, cloart, discreet, Ring ship, hopefully more if we click. Ring Voicebox: Voicebox: 0660 208127 0660 207768 Ring Voicebox: 0000 , slocky, into weights; · Married man, 35, seeks bored house- bcac: 0660 207924 · Attractive black an, with gooh, married wives for adult fus and friendship. South East. · Sensual, Italian woman, any apa. · Wanted, confident, adventurous, fagh · Affectionately yours. Are you caring. ndahlp: South East Lon- sought by attractive, passionate, French male, en, IV's, pach, set-mol Ring Voicebox: 0660 208584 heeled, dom lady, 25-45, by tat, dark, hand- Soyis, sim, female, 25-437 Then cat me. I'm Colin. 45, smoker, nice looking, single and Niaman of West Indian Ping Voicebox 0680 · Married, prof intelligent guy, 50, alm, 23. for adult fun and friendship. Can travel or accommodate. Ring Voicebox: 0660 209378 some, blue eyed sim male, for fun and blend- 30-44. for friendship an understanding. seeks similar, discerning, shy shop. Ring Voicebox: 0660 207042 understanding, Siving West London. Ring Voice- box: 0680 207484 Inexperienced couple for adult fun and blend- · Sensuous, sJim .. smooth, feminine, · Wanted, nico female, 18-45, for adist box: 0660 207622 20-40, who i seek- ship. Discretion and cleanliness guaranteed experienced TV 21-28, sought by sim, attractive, passionate, professional exped- fun and friendship, daytime and evening pre- Air stewardess, artist, single, ns, sady · Attractive black to be 30. gemig Can accommodate. Ring Voicebox: 0650 ferred, by businessman, 33. Can accommo. wanted for bienship, by tat, 33yr old white pro- guoh, romantic and cary 18-35, for fun and relation present Ring Voice- 207051 enced maio, 46, for trendship and fun, Ring fossionel malo, Bir in Australia/England. Ring 0800 207573 · Mature, up market Englishman, dom, Voicebox: 0660 207504 date. Very clean and gonuing. As cats answered. Ring Voicebox: 0000 205811 Voicebox: 0660 20/543 Attractive caring ma word ike to meet ship, Fing Voice- attractive, strong but caring character, secks · Sha: white, 38. He: Asian, 36, looking for · Wanted: a slim, curvy; Scorpio female, e Alternative man, graduate, 50s, of- sub female for continuing friendship. Ring bent, unconventional, afectionate, under- studiont, seeks fn, laughter sønder Sit 3ut, for adult fun and friendship; by versation with female, 20-29 Voloboc 0680 207409 couple, 30 plus, for tun and friendship, Fing Voicebox: 0680 207870 while, Taurus, sim buld, 50 7e, with dark hair. standing, companionable, souks sen, animal fessional, a ske of 'stematy ng. seaks older Ring Voicebox: 0880 207825 loving female, over 45. Angle, pis leave your no · Middle aged TV, socks males and TS, sim- smoker proferabie. Maxbox 40 ler age, for adult fun and kiendship, daytime · Wall built, young, Aslan, mile, 24, senks again. Ring Voicebox: 0660 208226 dramaty con- Shy, young attractive male, ox model, · Attractive female, 27, 0 Cebox: 0000 preferred. Cannor accommodate, wit travel seeks soient, elegant, passionate kdy, for Porig Voicebox: 0660 209399 adult fun and friendship. Dischibun assured and females, of any age, nationality, for adult fun and · Ambitious, black, intelligent male, 5: sooks male 27/34, for a bottle expected. Ring Voicebox: 0660 206391 , 2 friendship. First time advertisement, al calls 11in, warm and caring, gsoh, loves chaldiran, sooks attractive intoligunt female, 26-35, Sin- to be caring, loving dren, Ring wighas to . Mrs Robinson, where are you? Young · Sincere, very attractive, tv, wishes to answered. Aing Voicebox: 0680 207275 guy, seeks mature female, for occasional mest female, age, looks, size Immaterial for · White guy, agod 29, 6ft, handsome, seeks gie mums welcome. Ring Voiceboe. 0080 ut un and wveraings. Ring Voicebox: 0660 207517 meetings, conversations, day or night. One older married or single woman for adult far and 208130 Ox! 0680 · Muscular guy, halry chest, 30, single, Hundred percent confidentiality Couple con- friendship. Cannot accommodate. Can travel, · American profession straight, seeks couple or sexy housewife by sidered. Discretion assund Ring Voicebox day or night. Discretion assured. Ring Voicebox: arrived in London, mert CAF 0660 208458 charming and ra large accel tun and friendship, London/South. Kelly 0000 209203 5th October please ring again. Ring Volcaba Single male, would like to meet couples · White guy, 24, pay non scene, non camp, Sco to 0660 200035 OF JAN-159%C stoks straight acing black guy for Naturistanale 36, would like to meet other and single lemalas, for adult kat and friendship, Cleanliness and discretion assured, Ping Volce- friendship. Ring Voicebox: 0000 straight and br male viaturists aged 30-80 for box: 0660 208638 White mal adult fun and friendship. Ring Voicebox: 0660 · Single parent, male, 35, 501 10i. isto whiteblack 200728 ..... . Nice looking Asian guy 23, very clean, most sports, would tke to meet females for adult fun and friendship, afternoons p fair-sidrined, seekis ladies and TS's. 21+, for fun and Mondship. Ring Voicebox: 0660 207645 Ring Voicebox: 0060 207 ,88 NEW TO YOUR AREA? Want to Six foot two hoar tre make new friends? For drinks, din- ing out, theatre/cinema, cycling, trips out plain simple